Optoelectronic Systems Characterisation laboratory has the competence to carry out tests using standard and non-standard methods.
Visible and IR range cameras testing
Measurements are performed using an optical projector, which projects an optical field with an extremely uniform distribution. The optical field is created using an optical imaging system with an absolutely black body source or a VIS/SWIR integrating sphere source. Optical radiation sources are calibrated using a standard available from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

OptoLAB equipment
Detector and radiometric tests
- SiTF (Signal Tranfer Function)
- Noise
- TN (Temporal Noise)
- FPN (Fixed Pattern Noise)
- 3D noise
- Temporal NPSD and Spatial NPSD (Noise Power Spectral Density)
- NETD (Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference)
- NEP/NEI/NER (Power, irradiance, Radiance)
- NUC (Non Uniformity Correction)
- BP (Bad Pixels)
Optics quality tests
- LSF/MTF (Line Spread Function / Modulation Transfer Function)
- FOV (Field Of View)
- Distortion
- MRTD (Minimum Resolvable Temperature Difference), according STANAG no. 4349:1995
- DRI ranges (Detection, Recognition and Identification ranges), according STANAG no. 4347:1995
Laser power measurement
- Calibrated optical power from 40 μW to 3 W and single shot energy from 20 μJ to 2 J, measurements wavelength range from 0.19 μm to 11 μm.
- Calibrated power of very low level CW or quasi CW sources measurement in optical power range < 100 nW to 100 mW over a broad spectral range from 0.15 µm to 12 µm.
Other measurements
- Measuring the battery lifetime of the device.
- Spectroscopy for LED wavelength estimation in the range 518 nm to 1220 nm.